Thursday, November 29, 2012

coast to coast run

We just returned from the Coast-to-Coast Run in Auckland. It is a 16km (~10 miles) run across Auckland from one coast to the other. The Waitemata Harbour and Pacific Ocean on one side, to the Manukau Harbour and Tasman Sea on the other.

G took it easy on me by letting me set the pace. It was certainly slow going at first as we stopped a lot through the intersections in Auckland. I didn't want to risk running through the intersection as I continue to look the wrong way (the traffic is coming from the opposite side). It took us through several  city parks and neighborhoods. We were able to find some sheep. G took the pictures and I navigated. We got lost a few times, but the New Zealanders seem to be very helpful.

We ate lunch and then took an 1hr bus ride back to the hotel. G wanted to run back, but I insisted on the bus. 


  1. Looks like a gorgeous run! Thanks for the pictures--ALMOST as good as being there. But not really.
