Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Old Ghost Road, Seddonville

 Ruben finally had some time off from the clinic! After finishing charts from the morning session Ruben had the rest of Wednesday free! We had heard about a track that will eventually connect the towns of Seddonville and Lyell via 80 kms of formed tramping and mountain track on an old gold mining route that passes seven gold mining ghost towns.

 I was a little dubious as we drove several kilometers out of the town of Seddonville through somebody's farm on a gravel road. But we finally saw some markers, parked, and hit the track. It was a warm day and the bush provided a nice, shady environment. The track was pretty chunky gravel, which is not the best running surface, but in spots it smoothed out and of course we crossed several streams rushing with clear, cold NZ water.

Our homemade parking spot along the track.

This was the second water crossing we had done in the car.
I declared we'd driven far enough and should embark on foot.

Old Ghost Road track

I spied this beautiful white sand beach below the cliff we were running along.
If we had more time it might have been fun to try to make our way down to it.

I still had the camera out as we drove south along the coast toward Westport.
The Tasman Sea (Pacific Ocean) is off to the right. There were a few homes in the bush to our left.
They have spectacular views, but an hour drive to the nearest grocery store.

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