Saturday, December 22, 2012

Merry Kiwi Christmas!

Interfaith Christmas Carol Service in Gore Gardens

Candles were lit as the sun set at about 9:45 pm

Ruben and I are sending our greeting this year from New Zealand (I dearly love writing to--and hearing from--each of you each Christmas; next year I'll be back with pen in hand, I promise!). This is a truly beautiful and welcoming country, but the warm weather and long summer days do not lend themselves to a "traditional" Christmas as we know it. That might be a good thing: We would miss you all too much!

Ruben's work as a general practitioner at the town medical center is going very well. The computer system has taken some getting used to, and the ins and outs of the health care system pose some challenges, but he finds his clients to be patient and friendly--and they don't beg for antibiotics. Plus he loves riding his bicycle to work, his morning tea break, and being able to come home each day for lunch. Lifestyle, lifestyle, lifestyle!

I have been able to maintain my freelance editing jobs, which not only keeps me busy but also helps finance this adventure. From our flat we have views of the Hokonui Hills, the other side of which lies Fiorland National Park, home of the incredible scenery made famous in movies like "Lord of the Rings." We have a few trips planned...

Newly weaned lambs are calling for their mummies and the garden is calling me to gather some veges, so I'll conclude this wee letter. Ruben and I hope you find many prezzies under the tree and are looking forward to a 2013 full of wonders.

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