Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Milford Sound

 Everyone told us that Milford Sound in Fiordlands National Park is a South Island must-see. Everyone apparently gets this advice, because EVERYONE was there taking a tour. I'm not good in crowds--especially not crowds of pushy tourists--so I can't say that this was my favorite day ever.

This is just a segment of the gajillion tourists pouring
into the viewpoints along the road to Milford Sound.

At one roadside stop I noticed this lineup of busses.
A steady stream was entering and leaving this pullout the whole time we were there.

Gore is wonderfully situated. It took us less than two hours to drive to the Fiordlands. There was zero traffic, but Ruben did send a seagull to meet its maker. We stayed at a motor inn located in a little town called Manapouri on the banks of the next lake over from Lake Te Anau, which is the tourist hub for the Fiordlands. The place looked a little dodgy to me at first glance, but I was won over by the beach access sign directly across the street. Plus, the views of the lake from our balcony were spectacular. Arriving in Te Anau Saturday morning to meet our tour group confirmed that Manapouri was the better choice. Te Anau was swarmed with tourists.

Sunset on Lake Manapouri

Ruben on the beach of Lake Manapouri at about 9:45 pm.

Evening at Lake Manapouri

Early morning at Lake Manapouri

The bus ride on the Milford Road was marred, in my opinion, by the crowds, but I was glad we weren't driving it ourselves. In addition to portions that narrow down to a single lane, bus drivers have the benefit of radio communication about rockslides, landslides, and road closures. God's beautiful plan and awesome power is certainly on display in this part of the world.
I was unpleasantly anxious during the bus ride, so Ruben tried to invoke some
Serenity Now by practicing some yoga in this meadow along the Milford Road. It did take my mind off  the crowd.

Can you tell from this picture that the words you can read saying "Mirror Lakes"
are a reflection of the upside-down letters in the portion of the sign that's above water? 

The "Lady Bowen," our vessel for the Milford Sound cruise.
One of hundreds of waterfalls lining Milford Sound.

The Milford Sound.

The Milford Sound.

Fur seals are nocturnal fishers and spend daytime hours sleeping on the rocks. The term "food coma" never seemed more applicable. Some of these guys were sacked out with one flipper in the air, or belly-up.

Weather started to move in while we were on a cruise of the fiord. We had been told that rain enhances the beauty by enlivening the waterfalls and draping the peaks with mist and clouds. We were lucky enough to see the landscape in sunlight on our way out and rain on our way back. Spectacular.

Mitre Peak, one of the famous landmarks in the Milford Sound.

The Milford Sound.


  1. Spectacular for sure. Do those heavy clouds always hang over the mountains? And what did the sign across from your hotel say?

  2. If you have a chance, try Doubtful Sound. Much less crowded than Milford. Starting from Te Anau, we took a boat across Lake Manapouri, then a bus over a bumpy dirt road to the sound. We rode out into the sound in a boat, and from there we kayaked, swam (Marion did, too cold for me), and picnicked on an island.

  3. Hi!
    Love your posts!! It all seems like a great adventure, although I guess it is a little bit hot. don't worry it is cold right now out here. We just got back from the Dominican Republic, and of course it was great.
    Have a Happy New Year!
